BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

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BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: May 5th, 2015, 7:15 pm Race #1 - Talladega (5/4/2015)

Lap #29: #95 comes down into #68 in turn 3 and then spins into the outside wall. Incident on #95. #95 retired.

Lap #35: 1. #083 bumps #6 while in turn 3 causing both trucks to get into the wall. Incident on #083. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap. 2. As the field reacts to this, #1 (Normal Number 28-G.Quinn) does not slow adequately, then loses control while going between the #39 and #05 (normal #5-D.Day), and then hits the #05 and collects the #05, #083 and #6 causing all four trucks to flip. Incident on #1 (#28). Careless Driving Penalty on #1 (#28) - Warning. 4-tire stop was NOT correctly served on the second caution lap and as per the rules #1 (#28) is penalized 1-lap.

Lap #39: 1. On the restart #15 switches lanes (high to low) before the start/finish line, and as he does so the low lane checks up and the #15 gets into the #68 which causes the #003 to take evasive action, lose control and spin along with others. Incident on #15. 4-tire stop was NOT correctly served on the second caution lap (2-tires only) and as per the rules #15 is penalized 1-lap. Rule = Race Start & Restarts
The Green flag starts the Race.
There is NO attempting to pass high or low on the start of the race or any restart until after you cross the start/finish line.
This includes changing lanes too, stay in your lane until you reach the start/finish line.
Penalty = Black Flag or -1 lap post race penalty.
2. #35 loses a gear and is spun by the #68. Mechanical failure, no incident charged.

Lap #48: #2 (normal #73 R.Larkin Jr) comes up into #103 in turn 3. Incident on #2 (#73). 4-tire stop was NOT correctly served on the second caution lap and as per the rules #2 (#73) is penalized 1-lap.

Lap #53: 1.With the heart of the main pack often racing 4-wide, #162 goes 4-wide approaching turn 1 to the outside of #15, #68 and #038. While in turn 1, #15 backs out of the 4-wide and attempts to fall in behind #162, just as #162 slightly moves down and there is contact resulting in an incident. After a multiple Owner/Admin review, this is ruled a racing deal. #162 retired and 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap by #15. 2. #1 (normal #28 G.Quinn) following well behind the main pack as this incident occurs, makes no apparent reaction to the wrecking trucks or satisfactory attempt to slow or avoid contact and drives into the pack of wrecking trucks, resulting in significant damage. Incident on #1 (#28). Careless Driving Penalty-2nd Offense and Racing Through a Wreck Penalty. #1 (#28) as per the rules will be penalized 1 more lap and parked next week. This was the second incident on #1 (#28) and he did not retire. As per the rules, #1 (#28) parked a second week.

Lap #57: Coming to the restart, the leader (#088), varies his speed after the pace car goes in (pace speed 70mph), going up to 82mph then down to 67mph just as the green flag flies, which causes an accordion-style checkup by the field and an incident. The #18 and trucks ahead were all just slowing for the checkup as the green came out and the #15 was starting to accelerate for the green as the checkup had not quite reached him yet. Incident on #088. 4-tire stop was NOT correctly served on the second caution lap and as per the rules #088 is penalized 1-lap. Rule = Restart Pace Speeds
On restarts the race leader must stay +/- 5 mph of pace speed and will go on GREEN.
If you are more than +/- 5 mph of pace speed or drastically varying your speed before you start the restart you may receive a black flag or a -1 lap post race penalty.
The leader must stay within 1.0 seconds of the pace car until it leaves the track on the start or any restart of the race.

Lap #62: #532 bumps #102 in the tri-oval, causing #102 to spin. Incident on #532. #532 retired.

#1 (#28) Gord Quinn - Carless Driving - Warning (Lap 35 incident)
#1 (#28) Gord Quinn - Failure to properly serve for incident - 1-lap (lap 35 incident)
#15 Sean Kerrigan - Restart violation - 1-lap (lap 39 incident) deemed served by below
#15 Sean Kerrigan - Failure to properly serve for incident - 1-lap (lap 39 incident)
#2 (#73) Ron Larkin Jr - Failure to properly serve for incident - 1-lap (lap 48 incident)
#1 (#28) Gord Quinn - Carless Driving 2nd offense - 1-lap (Lap 53 incident)
#1 (#28) Gord Quinn - Racing Through a Wreck - Parked next week (Lap 53 incident)
#1 (#28) Gord Quinn - Failure to properly park after two incidents - Parked another week (lap 53 incident)
#088 Tim Noftsker - Restart Race Speeds rule violation - 1-lap (lap 57 Incident) deemed served by below
#088 Tim Noftsker - Failure to properly serve for incident - 1-lap (lap 57 incident)

Can Not Qualify for next week (5/11)
#196 Stevie Minson
#5 David Day
#103 Carson Krenz

#28 Gord Quinn - Parked 2-weeks



These truck really rock!! They made great racing and we had great green racing straight through the first half of the race. The second half was marred by an unacceptable breakout of yellow fever. We alternated between three and four wide most of the night with these trucks and had a thrilling white knuckle shootout that ended under green.

Now that we cleared our superspeedway race, we depart an a very exciting schedule of tracks and setups!! Let's make it the great one it should be together!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at KANSAS!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... as_SBP.rar

Eliminator Series Season 35 begins next week!: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. The RPM CFM is filling with some really cool looking new trucks!! :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #95 (1), #083 (1), #15 (1), #73 (1), #088 (1), #532 (1)
2 - #28 (1)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: May 12th, 2015, 7:05 pm Race #2 - Kansas (5/11/2015)

Lap #28: When there is a checkup further ahead, #083 gets into and spins #015 exiting turn 2, then comes across the track into the path of the #102. Incident on #083. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #32: #41 gets into #20 in turn 3. #20 is able to save it against the wall and the yellow does not come out , but #41 while continuing down the track surface at a slower pace is then spun by #088. After review, incident is on #41. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #39: #038 slides up the track and gets into #6 then spins. Incident on #038. #038 retired, but did so from the racing surface. Rule = Stopping on the track;
....Under Caution or during a wreck: You must make an honest effort to get back to your pit stall or at least safely get to the apron or infield.
This will be looked on an Individual basis to see if you could safely get off the track.

Lap #43: 1.Approaching the restart, #083, who is the leader, takes off before the green flag comes out and is 28MPH ahead of pace speed and accelerating at the moment of the green. Rule = Restart Pace Speeds
On restarts the race leader must stay +/- 5 mph of pace speed and will go on GREEN.
If you are more than +/- 5 mph of pace speed or drastically varying your speed before you start the restart you may receive a black flag or a -1 lap post race penalty. #083 retired.
2.As the field approaches turn 1, #05 (normal #5 D. Day) gets into #2 (normal #73 R. Larkin Jr) and comes up into #083. Incident on #05 (#5). #05 (#5) retired.

Lap #61: #20 hits turn 2 exit wall and then comes down into #128. Incident on #20. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #88: #103 blows a motor on the backstretch. Mechanical failure, no incident charged.

Lap #92: #15 while trying to avoid the slower #13 exiting turn 4, comes down into the #015 and spins. After a multiple admin review, incident on #15. As this was the end of the race, #15 is scored at the end of the lead lap.

#038 Steeve Melson - Stopping on the track to retire - Warning only
#083 Dave Little - Restart Race Speeds rule violation - 1-lap (lap 43 Incident) is deemed served as #083 retired.

Can Not Qualify for next week (5/18)
#6 Zak Fremouw
#088 Tim Noftsker
#21 Kelly Hoerner



That was some serious competitive and fun racing!! Had almost all the elements of an epic race. What a blast when we can all race like that. Still a couple things to work on, but we will get there together!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at CHARLOTTE!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... _Night.rar

Eliminator Series Season 35 has begun!!: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. The RPM CFM is filling with some really cool looking new trucks!! :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #95 (1), #73 (2), #088 (2), #532 (1), #41 (2), #038 (2) #5 (2), #20 (2)
2 - #28 (1) #083 (2), #15 (2)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: May 19th, 2015, 5:16 pm Race #3 - Charlotte (5/18/2015)

Lap #2: #083 gets into the wall exiting turn 4, and as several vehicles come upon him in the tri-oval and take evasive action, the #69 and #5 get together. Upon a detailed review, this is a racing deal. All drivers did what they were supposed to do in this situation and no fault can be found with the actions of any driver. The #69 retired and 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap by #5.

Lap #13: #083 self-spins in turn 1. #083 retired.

Lap #18: #19 self-spins in turn #2. #19 Retired.

Lap #26: #103 gets into #6 as they start to enter turn 1 and #6 spins. Incident on #103. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #114 - No caution:[/color] #20 hits the apron then comes up the track and spins #04 and himself in turn 1. Incident on #20. #20 did NOT serve the required green flag drive though and as per the rules is penalized 1-lap.

#20 WylyE Cote - Failed to serve for a caused incident (lap 114 incident) - 1-lap.

Can Not Qualify for next race (6/1)
#39 Josh Metallic
#13 Dave Melson
#038 Steeve Melson



BIG TIME RACING!! :good: :good: Heavy duty competitive fun racing with respect!! :hello:
When you have a caution free run to the checkers of almost 100 laps at Charlotte, with the field size we had and the hard clean racing we did, you've done something. OUTSTANDING JOB!!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

We are off next Monday for Memorial Day, but the Next week we are at DOVER!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... _Night.rar

Eliminator Series Season 35 has begun!!: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #95 (1), #73 (2), #088 (3), #532 (1), #41 (3), #038 (3), #5 (3) #19 (1), #103 (3)
2 - #28 (1), #15 (3), #20 (3)
3 - #083 (3)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: June 2nd, 2015, 9:55 pm Race #4 - Dover (6/1/2015)

Lap #5: #20 slides up the track and collects #41. Incident on #20. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #10: #9 gets in to the wall in turn 2 and as he slides down the track, #083 makes hard contact with him. Incident on #9. #9 retired.

Lap #35: #93 (normal number 83 Rob Larkin) self-spins in turns 1 & 2 and is collected by #196. Incident on #93(83). 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #40: 1.#083 self-spins in turn 4 and collects #93. Incident on #083. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap. 2.#7 who had been following the field approximately a full straightaway behind, fails to properly slow when approaching the incident that had occurred well ahead and drives into the wall and the #102 who had properly slowed with the rest of the field for the incident. Incident on #7. #7 retired.

Lap #46: #95 self-spins in turn 2. Incident on #95. #95 retired.

Lap #50: #15 self-spins out of turn 4. Incident on #15. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #57: #4 (normal #93 Phil LaCasse) self-spins in turn 1 & 2. Incident on #4(93). 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #125: #038 slides up in turn 3 and makes contact with #20 who spins. Incident on #038. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.


Can Not Qualify for next race (6/8)
#088 Tim Noftsker
#6 Zak Fremouw
#59 Herman Reiss



GREAT COMPETATIVE RACING!! :yahoo: :hello: Just awesome, amazing, side-by-side forever and fun racing with respect!! A few early yellows (too many), but followed by a flat out run through green stops with just one yellow, which led to strategies galore on the way to another epic green finish!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at TEXAS WORLD!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... d_2007.rar

Eliminator Series Season 35 has begun!!: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #088 (4), #532 (1), #41 (4), #5 (4) #19 (1), #103 (4), #9 (2), #83 (2), #7 (3), #93 (1)
2 - #28 (1), #95 (2), #038 (4)
3 - #15 (4), #20 (4)
4 - #083 (4)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: June 9th, 2015, 6:22 pm Race #5 - Texas World (6/8/2015)

Lap #9: #12 gets into #93 exiting turn 2. Incident on #12. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #30: #103 gets into and spins #15 in turn 3. Incident on #103. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #36: #6 bumps #710 on the backstretch and #710 then loses control and heads into the grass before sliding back up across the racing surface and into the outside wall. Incident on #6. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #58: #088 gets into and spins #102 in turn 1. Incident on #088. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #62: On the restart #13 spins his tires and gets into #103 and #34. Incident on #13. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #69: #41 gets on the apron in turn 3 then comes up the track, makes contact with #103 and checks up, before being bumped by #05 and #15 who spins. Incident on #41. As this was the end of the race, #41 is scored at the end of the lead lap.


Can Not Qualify for next race (6/15)
#015 Sean Prime
#196 Stevie Minson
#6 Zak Fremouw



AWESOME EPIC RACING!! :yahoo: :hello: Super intense and clean racing while having a blast doing it!! Can we say more. What a blast!!.

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at GATEWAY NIGHT!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... t_grip.rar

Eliminator Series: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #532 (1), #5 (5) #19 (1), #9 (3), #83 (2), #7 (4), #93 (2), #12 (1), #6 (1),
#13 (1)
2 - #28 (1), #95 (2), #038 (5), #088 (5), #41 (5), #103 (5)
3 - #15 (5), #20 (4)
4 - #083 (4)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: June 16th, 2015, 12:25 am Race #6 - Gateway Night (6/15/2015)

Incident causing a restart: #93 gets into the wall in turn 2 of lap 1 and comes off the wall and down in front of the approaching trucks. Incident on #93. Race restarted.

Lap #13: #102 gets into #15 in turn 1. Incident on #102. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #19: #91 gets into #93 in turn 1. Incident on #91. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #29: #91 spins in turn 1. Incident on #91. #91 properly parked as unfortunately this was his second incident.

Lap #42: #93 spins in turn 1. Incident on #91. #93 properly parked as unfortunately this was his second incident.

Lap #50-no caution: #39 makes contact with #20 who spins exiting turn 2. Incident on #39. #39 properly served a green flag drive through.


Can Not Qualify for next race (6/22)
#34 Isaac Gann
#59 Herman Reiss
#038 Steeve Melson
#91 Todd Stanton - on 1-and-park
#93 Phil LaCasse - on 1-and-park



GREAT GREEN FLAG RACING!! :yahoo: :hello: Yet another great race with all the elements of top racing going on. All sorts of strategy being played through multiple green stops on an almost 80 lap green run to the end. Even a couple guys on fumes at the checkers (or running out in turn 4 like me!). Great job everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at IOWA NIGHT!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... 0Night.rar

Eliminator Series: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #532 (1), #5 (6) #19 (1), #9 (3), #83 (2), #7 (5), #12 (1), #6 (6), #39 (5)
#13 (6), #102 (6)
2 - #28 (1), #95 (2), #038 (6), #088 (6), #41 (6), #103 (6), #91 (1)
3 - #15 (6), #20 (5), #93 (3)
4 - #083 (4)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: June 23rd, 2015, 10:14 pm Race #7 - Iowa Night (6/22/2015)

Incident causing a restart: #13 gets into the #075 on the backstretch and the spins the #103 entering turn 3 of lap 1. Incident on #13. Race restarted.

Lap #30: #91 spins in turn 1. Incident on #91. #91 retired.

Lap #39: #015 spins in turn 1. Incident on #015. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #54: #98 (actual #80 - J Crivello) spins in turn 4. Incident on #98(80). #98(80) retired.

Lap #69: #083 goes hard right into the turn 4 wall and the is collected by #93. Incident on #083. #083 retired.

Lap #76: #13 makes contact with and spins #39 in turn 4. Incident on #13. #13 properly parked as unfortunately this was his second incident.

Lap #82: In some almost 4-wide short track racing, as #075 (high), #038 (middle) and #103 (low) start to enter turn three, #103 is not sufficiently inside of #038 to claim that line through the turn and properly yields to #038. As this is occurring, #088 attempts to come under #103 while they all are already entering the turn and contact occurs spinning the #103. After a multiple Admin review, Incident is on #088. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.


Can Not Qualify for next race (6/29)
#68 Mauricio Bedoya
#5 David Day
#196 Stevie Minson
#91 Todd Stanton - on 1-and-park
#13 Dave Melson - on 1-and-park



Another solid quality event with top notch racing!
Great job everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at DAYTONA!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... BOZ500.rar

Eliminator Series: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #532 (1), #5 (7) #19 (1), #9 (3), #83 (2), #7 (6), #12 (1), #6 (7), #39 (6)
#015 (7), #102 (7), #80 (2)
2 - #28 (1), #95 (2), #038 (7), #41 (7), #103 (7)
3 - #15 (7), #20 (5), #93 (4), #13 (7), #088 (7), #91 (2)
4 -
5 - #083 (5)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: June 30th, 2015, 10:52 pm Race #8 - Daytona (6/29/2015)

Lap #14: #103 experiences a pedal malfunction that causes his accelerator to suddenly stop functioning properly while exiting turn 2, and a chain reaction incident results as the trucks stack up behind. Incident on #103. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #57: #69 and #103 get together in turn 4 which spins #103 up the track into #015. After a lengthy multiple admin review, incident is on #103, as it was determined that while #69, who had just exited the pits and apparently was going to be headed back to pit road for a black flag, could have been lower while the field overtook him, he was still within his lane and the #103 does come down into the #69 more than the #69 goes up. #103 properly retired as this unfortunately was his second incident.

Lap #65: #34 gets into the right rear of #083 and then the wall in turn 4 which triggers a multiple truck incident. Incident on #34. #34 retired.

Lap #70: In another close racing incident, #12 moves out of line to the high side while entering turn 3 and then as they continue toward turn 4 #12 moves back down and makes contact with #41 who had started to move forward into the vacated spot. Incident on #12. As this was the end of the race and #12 finished last on the lead lap, no further adjustment is required.


Can Not Qualify for next race (7/6)
#083 Dave Little
#102 Rusty Little
#15 Sean Kerrigan
#103 Carson Krenz - on 1-and-park



Some just amazing racing action going on!!!!! Within the already low caution count were a couple incidents that just should not have happened and an unfortunate equipment failure, but overall we had yet another awesome racing experience. Credit to the drivers that keep making that happen each week!! :hello: :good:
Great job everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at KENTUCKY!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... _Night.rar

Eliminator Series: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #532 (1), #5 (8) #19 (1), #9 (3), #83 (2), #7 (7), #6 (8), #39 (7)
#015 (8), #102 (8), #80 (3), #34 (4)
2 - #28 (1), #95 (3), #038 (8), #41 (8), #12 (2), #103 (7)
3 - #15 (8), #20 (5), #93 (4), #13 (8), #088 (8), #91 (3)
4 - #103 (8)
5 - #083 (5)
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Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: July 7th, 2015, 12:01 am Race #9 - Kentucky Night (7/6/2015)

Lap #14: #088 comes down into #05(official #5-Day) on the backstretch. Incident on #088. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #31: #05 (#5) starts to lose control in the tri-oval after avoiding a truck that was against the wall and collects #13. Incident on #05 (#5). 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #81: #05 (#5) blows a motor entering turn 1. Mechanical failure, no incident charged.

Lap #87: #91 spins in turn 2 and comes down into #088. Incident on #91. 4-tire stop was correctly served on the second caution lap.

Lap #92: #532 pushes up and makes contact with #15 in turn 2 and #15 spins. Incident on #532. As this was the end of the race and #532 did not go down pit road, he will be scored last on the lead lap.


Can Not Qualify for next race (7/13)
#6 Zak Fremouw
#015 Sean Prime
#038 Steeve Melson



Another fun great race. Quality racing with top quality drivers and people!! You make this an incredible series! Congrats to Zak on being the first repeat winner of the season! 9 races with 8 different winners!! Now that is great quality competition!
Great job everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at RTR MOTOR SPEEDWAY!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... ay2009.rar

Eliminator Series: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #19 (1), #9 (3), #83 (2), #7 (8), #6 (9), #39 (8)
#015 (9), #102 (9), #80 (4), #34 (4)
2 - #28 (1), #95 (3), #038 (9), #41 (9), #12 (2), #103 (8), #532 (2), #5 (9)
3 - #15 (9), #20 (5), #93 (4), #13 (9)
4 - #103 (8), #91 (4), #088 (9)
5 - #083 (6)
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Joined: November 11th, 2020, 8:13 pm
Location: New Jersey
Car#: 84

Re: BareBones Racing Series Incidents for Season 35

Post by riccisand »

Optimus Prime wrote: July 14th, 2015, 12:21 am Race #10 - RTR Motor Speedway (7/13/2015)

Incidents causing a restart: #28 spins in turn 1 of lap 2. Incident on #28. Race restarted. On the restart, #28 slides up the track in turn 1 of lap 2 toward the #93, then comes down the track and collides with the #6, then into #015, #038 and #91 in turn 2. Incident on #28. #28 then proceeded to flame against the #93 and repeatedly use the f-bomb in open teamspeak. #28 was parked and the admins exited the race to remove him from the TeamSpeak race room. Race restarted.

Lap #36: As the field is completing a round of green flag stops, #32(official #80-J. Crivello), who had not yet pitted, clutches going into turn 1 as the #103 and #39, who had already pitted laps earlier, are overtaking him, and #32 (#80) slides up and makes contact with the #103 as he is passing. After a multiple Admin review, incident is on #80. #80 retired.

#28 Gord Quinn - Suspended for the remainder of the season from all RTG events for repeated flaming toward another driver(s) and repeated use of the F-Bomb in open TeamSpeak.

Can Not Qualify for next race (7/20)
#5 David Day
#038 Steeve Melson
#015 Sean Prime



AMAZING RACING!! Close hard and clean racing all night with only one caution and that occurred during green flag stops.

Watching how close everyone was racing each other and battling all night, while doing so clean and caution free, was truly impressive to watch and to be part of. An incredible display of racing. You guys rock!! :good: :cool: :hello: And now 10 races with 9 different winners!! Amazing.


Thanks to everyone for coming out!!

Next week we are at ELDORA SPEEDWAY!!! We hope to see you there!!
The track and set await you in the BareBones room of our TeamSpeak on the right side, in our downloads, or right here!: ... eedway.rar

Eliminator Series: A link to the standings can be found on the webpage under the main BareBones Series standings or right here: ... BR_S34.htm

If anyone needs help with their new cws2015 trucks or getting a game truck re-numbered for you, please let us know. Some real cool ones out there already in the RPM CFM. :cool:

Incident Totals for Season 35 (number of races run in parenthesis)
1 - #73 (3), #19 (1), #9 (3), #83 (2), #7 (9), #6 (10), #39 (9)
#015 (10), #102 (10), #34 (4)
2 - #95 (3), #038 (10), #41 (10), #12 (2), #103 (9), #532 (2), #5 (10), #80 (5)
3 - #15 (10), #20 (5), #93 (5), #13 (9)
4 - #28 (2) #103 (9), #91 (5), #088 (9)
5 - #083 (7)
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