Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

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Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 1- 1/7/21

Lap 18- #7 gets into #54 while pitting under green; #7 served his penalty.

Lap 19- #6 gets into #038 while pitting under green; #6 served his penalty.

Lap 19- #36 hits #08 on pit road and sends #08 into the grass. Both #08 and #36 were in the middle lane and nobody was to their right side, so #36 is charged an incident. IF he made contact in the right lane, this would not have been an incident. The middle lane is for speeding up and slowing down. If the right lane is open, you MUST use that lane to avoid incidents like this. #36 didn't serve a penalty and is docked 1 lap in the post race standings.

Lap 19- #08 is given an incident for backing up on pit road and hitting #038. If a driver spins or gets spun out, it's their responsibility to safely get their car going the right direction without causing other drivers to get collected in their incident. #08 served his penalty the next lap.

Lap 51- #94 accidently bumper-hooks herself and spins to cause a caution; #94 served her penalty.

Lap 51- As the lead pack drivers took the yellow, I told drivers they were racing back to the caution. I said that after checking my F1 key and seeing 15 laps to go. I just now realized that obviously means the rest of the pack who had not yet taken the yellow flag would then be seeing 16 laps left instead. This was a mistake on my part. Therefore, I cannot charge anyone for the incident on the backstretch coming back to the yellow. I apologize for anyone it affected and will try to do a better job next time.

Lap 59- #36 slides up and bumps #38 in turn one. This was the second incident for #36. He did not retire so he is parked next race and will be on a 1-park for his next race.

Lap 59- #26 gives a bad bump to #77 which causes and incident. I originally thought the contact at the front between #8 and #28 caused this, but after watching the replay, I realized they were separate even while happening at the same time. Their contact didn't cause the accident; it was the bump to #77 from behind. #26 served his penalty.

Bracket Series link: starts Week 5

Parked next race: #36

1 Incident: #6,, #7, #08, #26, #94
2 Incidents: #36
3 Incidents:
4 Incidents:
5 Incidents:

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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 2- 1/14/21

Lap 12- #56 slides up and clips #8 entering turn three; #56 served his penalty. Staying out a lap under caution to serve his penalty caused him to lead a lap; that bonus point will be taken away per the rules.

Lap 27- #616 blows a motor; no incident charged.

Lap 45- Exiting the tri-oval, #38 fades left and makes light contact with a car, then starts to move back to the right when he gets bumper-hooked by #43. #43 kept his car straight during this incident so I have to put the blame on #38 who served his penalty.

Lap 50- #77 warps into #94 to cause an accident; #77 served his penalty.

Lap 59- #2 slides up into #038 exiting turn two; #2 served his penalty.

Lap 66- Coming out of turn four, #17 attempts to cut underneath #88. #17 starts to get a nose under #88 as #88 makes a slight move to the left. #17 reacts to this and moves left as well. The key here is #88 leaves #17 enough room to come back on the track. Before this occurs, however, #088/#28 moves left and clips #17, sending him into #88 and causing the incident. #088/#28 did not have anyone on his rear bumper at the time so I feel there was a chance to either let off the gas or keep right and allow #17 to get back onto the racing surface. After a lengthy review, I have to put this on #088/#28. Per the rules, #088/#28 is scored EOLL and on a 1-and-park the next race.

Bracket Series link: starts Week 5

DNQ's: #36
1-and-parks: #36, #088/#28
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #08, #26, #38, #56, #77, #088, #94
2 Incidents: #36
3 Incidents:
4 Incidents:
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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 3- 1/21/21

Lap 17- An accordion effect check-up happens in turn three as drivers move to the bottom lane for green flag pit stops. The check-up was 10 mph so I can't fault #28 for the incident. This will be called a "racin' deal."

Lap 21- #60 gets into #6 before we go green, causing an incident. #60 did not serve so the penalty is a 1 lap and a DNQ next race.

Lap 25- #55 slides up into #00; #55 served his penalty. His 1 led lap of the race was due to serving a penalty, so this bonus point is removed.

Lap 30- #60 loses 4th gear; no incident charged.

Lap 43- #36 loses control and hits #94; #36 parked as he was on a 1-and-park.

Lap 47- #222 had his black flag cleared. He said he was supposed to be behind #38, but the export shows #38 with an EOLL penalty and no penalty at all for #222. I think the black flag came when #222 passed #9 on the backstretch the lap before we went back green. #9 was not up to speed so it is likely he thought #9 was an EOLL as well. Considering #9 started one position behind #222, this does not warrant a penalty. I did not see #222 do anything unexpected or gain an unfair advantage. For future reference, when cars come out of the pits, either get up to the back of the pack ASAP, or stay on the apron so everyone behind you knows you have an EOLL penalty. This will clear up alot of the confusion.

Lap 48- #2 loses his motor; no incident charged.

Lap 59- #011 turns into turn three early and clips the car to his inside. This causes #011 to lose control before he is spun by #28. #011 charged with the incident.

Bracket Series link: starts Week 5

DNQ's: #60
1-and-parks: #36
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #08, #011, #26, #38, #55, #56, #60, #77, #088, #94
2 Incidents:
3 Incidents: #36
4 Incidents:
5 Incidents:

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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 4- 1/28/21

Lap 4- #711 slides up into #6 causes an incident. The green stayed out so #711 correctly served his penalty by doing a drive-through penalty the next lap.

Lap 10- #43 slides up into #28 and spins him. #43 did not serve a penalty and is docked 1 lap in the post-race standings.

Lap 19- #08 slows while down for a green flag pit stop but he is on the high side of the track exiting turn 4. He gets hit from behind. #08 is charged with the incident. #08 did not serve a penalty and is docked 1 lap in the post-race standings.

Lap 31- A check-up creates an accordion effect entering turn 1, which this causes a wreck. I have to call this a "racin' deal" as the cars who made contact had to slow almost 10 mph to avoid contact, making it an impossible incident to avoid.

Lap 51- #038 slows to pit but does not get low enough to avoid getting hit from behind. incident charged to #038 who did not serve a penalty and is docked 1 lap in the post-race standings.

Lap 61- #088 bumper-hooks himself off the car ahead to cause an incident; #088 served his penalty.

Bracket Series link: starts next week

DNQ's: #43, #08, #038
1-and-parks: #36
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #011, #26, #38, #038, #43, #55, #56, #60, #77, #94, #711
2 Incidents: #08, #088
3 Incidents: #36
4 Incidents:
5 Incidents:

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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 5- 2/4/21

Lap 17- #088 gets into #28 entering a green flag pit; #088 served his penalty.

Lap 17- #47 gets into the back of #84 during a check-up. #47 was charged with the incident as the admins felt there was enough time to try to avoid the contact. #47 served his penalty.

Lap 17- #26 goes low to avoid the check-up, gets into the grass, and spins onto the track to bring out the yellow. Incident charged to #26 who served his penalty.

Lap 25- A slight check-up occurs and #710 slows and goes onto the apron. When he comes back up, he gets into #86 to start a crash. #710 served his penalty.

Lap 26- #2 gets into the back of #711 and spins him under caution. All cars got their positions back and there was no damage done to any car so no penalty is given.

Lap 44- #94 and #90 get a little too aggressive on bump drafting and #24 gets bumper-hooked. Since #94 and #90 where pretty much a tandem draft through the incident, both drivers are charged. Neither driver served a penalty. Both are docked 1 lap and DNQ's next week. #90 protested the call against him, and the Replay Committee agreed. #90 is NOT charged an incident and will keep his original finishing position.

Lap 49- #54 bounces off the wall exiting turn 4, then moves down into #00, causing a wreck.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's: #94
1-and-parks: #36
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #011, #38, #038, #43, #47, #54, #55, #56, #60, #77, #710, #711
2 Incidents: #08, #26, #94
3 Incidents: #36, #088
4 Incidents:
5 Incidents:

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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 6- 2/18/21

Lap 17- #88 spins exiting turn four. The spin is a result of #28 slowing BEFORE exiting turn four and while still on the racing surface, and then a couple of cars collide into each other while trying to avoid #88 (#88spun around and saved it, but was sitting in the way of oncoming traffic). While this SHOULD be considered an incident, we did publicly acknowledge on Teamspeak that #88 spun around and managed to save it, so #28 had no reason to think he was responsible for an incident. Because of this, I cannot charge #28 for an incident. Had I been aware of the secondary contact with the cars avoiding #88, I WOULD have considered this an incident.

Lap 19- #055 is charged an incident for slowing down before exiting the racing surface and causing an incident as a result. #055 did NOT serve a penalty. The penalty for this is 1 lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 34- #39 and #10 are pushing #088 and give him a bad bump, causing a big incident. #39 and #10 are both charged w/ the incident as they were both pushing. Both cars served their penalties.

Lap 55- #56 bumps and spins #711 while #711 is trying to get into his pit stall. #56 was in the middle lane, so this WOULD be considered an incident most times, but because there was a car next to #56 in the right-hand lane, he is not charged for the contact. No incident charged.

Lap 66- Down the backstretch, it becomes 4-wide and a wreck occurs. After a lengthy review, I have to put this incident on #17 and #77. #17 was moving down and #77 had moved up, pinching the cars in between until they bumped and wrecked. Both are scored EOLL and are on a 1-and-park next race. Both #77 and #17 protested this call, and both won their protest. Their was no clear consensus on who/what started the incident, so it will now be called a "racin' deal". I will make a new post this evening after the points and brackets have been updated.

We will be addressing the overaggressive driving/lane bullying. YOU CANNOT FORCE ANOTHER CAR OUT A LANE! I will be asking all drivers to watch for it, and report it to me directly. If I see someone use their car to move someone out of the way, you will be penalized and lose the finishing position you thought you earned.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's: #055
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #10, #011, #38, #038, #39, #43, #47, #54, #55, #055, #56, #60, #77, #710, #711
2 Incidents: #08, #26, #94
3 Incidents: #36, #088
4 Incidents:
5 Incidents:

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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 7- 2/25/21

Lap 5- #39 bumper-hooks #28; #39 served his penalty.

Lap 20- #38 starts to move high to make a lane on the far outside and then checks up , causing an accordion effect and wreck behind. #38 is charged the incident as there was nobody in front of #38 when the check-up occurred, so the trailing drivers would not be expecting it. #38 didn't serve the penalty. Per the rules, this is a 1 lap penalty and DNQ next race. #38 protested this incident and the Replay Committee ruled in his favor; no incident is charged and this has been changed to a "racin' deal".

Lap 26- A big accordion effect check-up happens going into turn one, causing a wreck. I can't see any wrongdoing and have to call this a "racin' deal".

Lap 49- #10 starts to slow to pit from the middle/high line and gets hit from behind by #38. This incident is on the #10 as he was not low enough on the track to safely slow down with oncoming cars behind him. #10 retired.

Lap 59- #77 bumper-hooks himself off the tail of #038. #77 did not serve a penalty. Per the rules, this is a 1 lap penalty and DNQ next race.

Lap 66- #038 bumper-hooks himself off the tail of #6. Per the rules, #038 is scored EOLL and will be a 1-and-park for his next race.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's: #77
1-and-parks: #038
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #011, #38, #43, #47, #54, #55, #055, #56, #60, #710, #711
2 Incidents: #08, #10, #26, #038, #39, #77, #94
3 Incidents: #36, #088
4 Incidents:
5 Incidents:
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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 8- 3/4/21

The points and brackets will be updated on Monday, 3/8. ALSO, I will be reaching out to some drivers on a variety of issues that need to be dealt with ASAP. Those drivers will NOT be permitted to race this series until they speak with me in TeamSpeak.

Lap 9- #143 blows a motor and it causes a wreck. No penalties issued as blown motors aren't charged as incidents.

Lap 16- #711 checks up a few mph for 3-wide ahead and #92 gets into him, triggering an incident. I cannot fault #92 as the check-up was 5mph and a little premature. This will be called as a "racin' deal".

Lap 21- #055 blows a motor on the restart; no penalty charged as this was a mechanical failure.

Lap 26- #088 makes contact w/ #712 while entering turn three. Incident is charged to #088 who served his penalty.

Lap 41- #55 gets into #38 which causes a wreck; #55 served his penalty.

Lap 60- #54(aka #17) pushes up into #43 which causes an incident. #54(aka #17) did not serve the incident. Per the rules, this is a 1 lap penalty and DNQ for next race.

Lap 66- Coming out of turn three, #88 is part of a 4-wide situation but moves down too much and gets into the car underneath him. While 4-wide is ugly, I felt there was enough room to the outside to avoid a wreck, so I have to put this on #88, who is scored EOLL and a 1-and-park next race.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's: #17
1-and-parks: #88
Parked next race:

1 Incident: #2, #6, #7, #011, #17, #38, #43, #47, #54, #055, #56, #60, #88, #710, #711
2 Incidents: #08, #10, #26, #038, #39, #55, #77, #94
3 Incidents: #36
4 Incidents: #088
5 Incidents:
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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by Grant Wessley »

Ide like to challenge the lap 66 incident being charged to myself ... k.rpy/file
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Re: Season 52 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by Chuck McClure »

Protesting lap 60 incident

at NO TIME did the 54 / 17 go above the bottom line during this incident the 43 however crowded and actually went below the white line...... it is my understanding that the white lines are the lanes and or the borders indicating a" right of way" of sorts ........ middle lane excluded of course
protest lap 60.rar
(1.24 MiB) Downloaded 274 times
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