Why must they CHEAT?????????????

These are individuals who have been caught cheating or have disgraced themselves here @ RTR/RTG and are no longer welcome here.
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Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Tooslow69 wrote: April 19th, 2011, 7:16 pm On Wed. April 13, 2011 RJ Todd was caught using NR2003 game hacks and exploits during the Survivor Series. This was the final straw as we have looked back and found proof of these being used in several races. Since he races on Andy Telgenhof's pc it is obvious that Andy showed him how to use them and that Andy use's them also. These 2 drivers have been Permanently Banned from the RTG community.

Thanks to the Admins @ RWR, RTR and NRT we have found out how these hacks were used and NRT have supplied us with the tools to stop any further cheating. So if you think you can get away with cheating here plan on being BANNED.
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

WesleyHoag wrote: July 27th, 2011, 3:25 pm Please keep my name out of any cheating accusations. Anyone that knows me and has raced with me prior and while i was with RTR knows I have been legit from day one. Besides if i tried to cheat, I would probably fail at it and screw up my pc to the point where it needed burnt down. I'm a competitive person that only wants to win fair and square. Cheating is like the special Olympics, even if you win, your still retarded. Hopefully one day these guys will realize my wins were all legit and I'll be allowed back over here in one way or another. I'd love to help people learn how to save fuel and tires like i know how to. Thanks guys just keep my name out of this
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Tooslow wrote: July 26th, 2011, 11:28 am Ok guys don't turn this into a bashing thread.....Alan I'm not sure why you posted on this as you have never raced here. The replay analyzer report that everyone seemed to be up in arms about I'm mystified about as the main evidence we found was not even the damage report and the one that was some how made public was only 1 of several replays analyzed. As we stated back then we would gladly show any league owners the rest of the proof he was cheating and using game exploits but only 1 other league actually took the time to look at all the evidence we had on Andy. So as far as I'm concerned this case is long been closed and is not worth discussing any more. If I see any bashing I will lock this topic.

As for your facts from excel there are many inaccurate facts you stated. For 1 they never had the replays that we had and not just from this one race either. Second your wrong about kyle Y. damage being repaired on the track...we verified he was in the pits when it was fixed. 3rd the damage reports was not even close to being the main evidence to why they were banned. and 4th, as I stated we offered to show any league owners all the proof but only 1 looked at it, and as for NRT they also looked at the proof we had and agreed 100% with our conclusions and with our help also found out how there anti-cheat was being bypassed and figured an easy solution on how to detect when it is being bypassed and they also admitted there may be new hacks that it can't detect.

So please make sure you have all the facts next time.
This Matter is closed as far as we are concerned.
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Tooslow wrote: July 26th, 2011, 11:28 am Ok guys don't turn this into a bashing thread.....Alan I'm not sure why you posted on this as you have never raced here. The replay analyzer report that everyone seemed to be up in arms about I'm mystified about as the main evidence we found was not even the damage report and the one that was some how made public was only 1 of several replays analyzed. As we stated back then we would gladly show any league owners the rest of the proof he was cheating and using game exploits but only 1 other league actually took the time to look at all the evidence we had on Andy. So as far as I'm concerned this case is long been closed and is not worth discussing any more. If I see any bashing I will lock this topic.

As for your facts from excel there are many inaccurate facts you stated. For 1 they never had the replays that we had and not just from this one race either. Second your wrong about kyle Y. damage being repaired on the track...we verified he was in the pits when it was fixed. 3rd the damage reports was not even close to being the main evidence to why they were banned. and 4th, as I stated we offered to show any league owners all the proof but only 1 looked at it, and as for NRT they also looked at the proof we had and agreed 100% with our conclusions and with our help also found out how there anti-cheat was being bypassed and figured an easy solution on how to detect when it is being bypassed and they also admitted there may be new hacks that it can't detect.

So please make sure you have all the facts next time.
This Matter is closed as far as we are concerned.
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Travis Nylaan aka Andy Telgenhof wrote: July 26th, 2011, 10:15 am Well Dustin for one i never bashed this league i am giving them my input and giving them facts so dont get all tough and i do have a life just dont understand why they where banned for no reason just because they are fast and i am sure they voiced themselves to you guys and obviously the admins dont care what neither has to say so dont get all tough with me is giving an opinion against the law now and days then someone like you acts like a hardass????? nice :amen:
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Dustin Roser wrote: July 26th, 2011, 9:57 am well travis, come over and run a few races and see for your self that they are not just getting rid of the fast guys, hell come run a short track race with us and i will send ya home with your tail between your legs and whining for mommy, if you have never come over here for any races dont open your mouth about what goes on here, andy and wes are both big boys, they can handle them selfs i am sure neither of them need you to speak for them nor do we need some one bashing this league when they have no real idea what goes on here.
get a life tool.
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Travis Nylaan aka Andy Telgenhof wrote: July 26th, 2011, 9:07 am Hey Hank let me tell you something there is a difference from being told how to activate a cheat and use an advantage in this game he showed his son how to use the wall as an advantage in the game and that is not cheating i have seen the replay he was running no cheats there was no cheating............. :amen:
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

skullbreather97 wrote: July 26th, 2011, 8:36 am i is no english?

What he said was true about the whole Andy experiment at Excel
So damage cheat wasnt what was going on.
Any others i have no comment
With Wes i have no comment
That is all my input.
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Hank wrote: July 26th, 2011, 12:53 am His son asked how to activate the cheats over an open mic on Team speak.....so...know your facts....thank u :idea:
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Re: Why must they CHEAT?????????????

Post by BONESXLT »

Travis Nylaan aka Andy Telgenhof wrote: July 25th, 2011, 11:50 pm I heard all about this through sms lobby alot went around about this i know for a fact that Andy Telgenhof did not cheat here i looked at this replay analyzer a few weeks ago and it was very in-accurate i also saw that on lap 6 Kyle Young was on the track as the Analyzer stated his car was being repaired in the pits i am sure you are familiar with Excel racing if you go into there forums they ran this same mod same setup"FAST" and same physics "TRUCKS" @ Bristol Night Br now none of them drivers at excel pitted the 1st 100 laps we all went over the replay analyzer together and it showed certain drivers getting there damaged repaired in the pits now when you run mederate damage in a race you will get in-accurate readings wether you believe it or not thats a fact go around educate yourself on this "REPLAY ANALYZER" Now if people know how to use advantages in a game is it called cheating???? no i saw the replay of this race he was hitting the wall .......... an Advantage in a game is not a cheat i also heard he was being honest yet you didnt care to hear what he said its pretty bad for a league also recently banned was another driver "Wesley Hoag" i dont know the full extent of his banning but i take it you dont want fast drivers in your league then maybe you should make a posting 'NO FAST DRIVERS ALLOWED" pretty sad when you ban someone for being fast or using a game advantage ............. i know Andy Telgenhof very well and i know he dont cheat and i know NRT servers well enough to where they can tell you wether its a cheat or not yet every cheat has a name i dont see anywhere on here as in what the name of the cheat is that Andy Telgenhof was using........ just because someone is fast dont give you a right to ban him but you run your league the way you do but Andy Telgenhof does not cheat show me proof me and Excel spoke and you guys need to get your facts straight :amen:
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