Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

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Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: May 3rd, 2017, 7:29 pm Talladega RTG V3 (5/2/7)

Lap#20..#99 gets into the #2 going onto pit road. #99 penalty served.


Lap#36..#71 gets into the #15 on the restart. #71 penalty served.

Lap#45..#115 gets into the #17. #115 penalty served.

Lap#52..#15 drifts up from the middle line to the outside line in front of the #99 when he wasn't clear. #15 did not serve his penalty and will be docked 1 lap in the final standings.

Lap#56..#712 hooks himself off the #103. #712 penalty served.

Lap#66..#67 comes down into the #115. As this was the last lap the #67 will be scored at the tail end of the lead lap.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#14 Brian Hoag (Race Winner)
#8 Jeremy Jeffries
#4 Brian Schilling

One & Park (DNQ Next Race)

Under Yellow
Lap#54..#71 checks up over 15mph after making contact with the car in front causing cars behind to check up and wreck causing damage. This was the #71 second incident and did not park it and scoring will be stopped on this lap.

Lap#57..#26 gets into the #18 under yellow. #26 penalty served.


#71 will not be able to race this coming week after not parking after causing second incident.

1 Incident...#15, #67, #99, #115, #712
2 Incidents..#71
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: May 10th, 2017, 7:47 pm DaytonaTR_1.4 (5/9/17)

Lap#2..#31 tries to move up into the 3rd line too late causing a wreck. #31 did not serve his penalty and will be docked 1 lap in the final standings.
This incident was reviewed by the review committee and was overturned to a racing deal.

Lap#7..#80 drifts up into the #11. #80 penalty served.

Lap#11..#088 gets into the back of the #8 on the restart causing a wreck. #088 parked.

Lap#64..#115 comes up into the #14 and #99. #115 penalty served.

Lap#70..#98 comes down into the #4. As this was the final lap the #98 will be scored at the end of the lead lap.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#8 Jeremy Jeffries
#712 Bob Seminara
#44 Joe DiSpirito

One & Park (DNQ Next Race)
#71 Brian Orto

Under Yellow
Lap#14...Racing deal, however drivers need to do a much better job of staggering off of each other. This wreck would have been easily avoided by drivers staggering instead of being nose to tail.


#31 docked 1 lap in the final standings for not serving penalty.
This penalty is null and void as the incident was ruled a racing deal by the review committee.

1 Incident...#15, #67, #80, #088, #98, #99, #712
2 Incidents..#71, #115
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: May 17th, 2017, 7:18 pm Talladega RTG V3 (5/17/17)

Lap#9..#141 excessively checks up and #99 gets into the back of #141. #141 parked.

Lap#31..#98 gets into back of #17 going into the pits spinning #17 out. #98 penalty served.

Lap#33..#31 comes down into #99. #31 did not serve his penalty and will be docked 1 lap in the final standings.

Lap#39..#003 makes it 4 wide casing the outside lines to make contact. #003 penalty served.

Lap#56..#003 grenades a motor. No penalty issued.

Lap#66..Racing deal.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#712 Bob Seminara
#14 Brian Hoag
#10 Terry Bombard

One & Park (DNQ Next Race)

Under Yellow


#31 docked 1 lap in the final standings for not serving penalty.

1 Incident...#003, #15, #67, #80, #088, #99, #141, #712
2 Incidents..#31, #71, #98, #115

1 Provisional: #44, #103
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

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BSchilling wrote: May 24th, 2017, 6:26 pm DaytonaTR_V1.4 (5/24/17)

Lap#39..#712 gets into the back of the #115. #712 penalty served.

Lap#51..#14 comes down into the #99. #14 penalty served.

Lap#70..#44 makes a move to go under the #77 however there was not enough room to make the maneuver as the #18 was underneath both. As the #44 moves back in line behind the #77 he hooks him in the process. Normally as this is a last lap incident the #44 would normally be put at the tail end of the lead lap. However he had a black flag cleared during the race which was improperly served (did a drive through and not a stop and go) and will be scored 2 laps down.

Overall it was a great race everyone but we need to work on the finishes and start getting back to ending these races under green and not yellow.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#8 Jeremy Jeffries
#99 Doug Woolley
#712 Bob Seminara

One & Park (DNQ Next Race)

Under Yellow


#44 docked 2 laps in the final standings for having a black flag cleared that was not served properly.

1 Incident...#003, #14, #15, #44, #67, #80, #088, #99, #141
2 Incidents..#31, #71, #98, #115, #712

1 Provisional: #44, #103
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: May 31st, 2017, 8:03 pm Talladega RTGV3 (5/30/17)

Lap#12..#31 spins the #14. #31 penalty served.

Lap#23..#69 gets into the back of #4 causing the #4 to lose control. #69 penalty served.

Lap#45..#8 gets into the #98 after merging back onto the racing surface. #8 penalty served.

Lap#49..Racing deal. However it is important for drivers especially ones towards the front of the field to hold the correct consistent pace speed otherwise we get a rubber band effect like what happened. Also drivers towards the back need to ease their way to catching up instead of mashing the gas and then having to slam the brakes.

Lap#57..#99 into the #8. #99 penalty served.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#44 Joe DiSpirito
#712 Bob Seminara
#39 Josh Metallic

One & Park (DNQ Next Race)

Under Yellow
Lap#50..#18 into the #69. #18 penalty served.

Lap#60..We are putting this one on Windows 10 updates messing with multiple people's game causing them to crash in the middle of the race. #712 was having these issues which was a direct result of the wreck.



1 Incident...#003, #8, #14, #15, #18, #44, #67, #69, #80, #088, #141
2 Incidents..#71, #98, #99, #115, #712
3 Incidents..#31

1 Provisional: #17, #44, #103, #115
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

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JoeyD203 wrote: June 1st, 2017, 8:18 am Any idea on how to fix these Windows 10 crashing problems?
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

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JoshM wrote: June 2nd, 2017, 10:11 am There was a discussion about it last night on how to temporarily fix it. We are looking into a solution that might be permanent. We will keep everyone updated on it.
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: June 7th, 2017, 7:46 pm Daytona TR1.4 (6/6/17)

Lap#2..#14 into #77. Race Restarted

Lap#34..#98 into #115. #98 penalty served.

Lap#43..#14 gets into #44 which causes the #77 to get into the #8. #14 parked.

Lap#52..#003 checks up over 30mph causing the #67 to hit him. #003 penalty served.

Lap#67..#18 into the #43. #18 did not serve penalty and will be docked 1 lap in final standings. Also we had 2 other times where there were contact between drivers on this lap. #44 gets into the #26 and the #712 into the #8. However due to the fact that both drivers were able to regain control without wrecking these were not deemed as incidents.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#4 Brian Schilling
#712 Bob Seminara
#39 Josh Metallic

One & Park
#14 Brian Hoag

Under Yellow


#18 docked 1 lap in final standings for not serving penalty.

1 Incident...#8, #15, #44, #67, #69, #80, #088, #141
2 Incidents..#003, #18, #71, #99, #115, #712
3 Incidents..#14, #31, #98

1 Provisional: #44, #103, #115
2 Provisionals: #17
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: June 14th, 2017, 7:32 pm TalladegaTR RTGV3 (6/13/17)

Lap#11..The #8 blinks out momentarily and reappears. Shortly after he reappears the #115 gets into the back of him. Even though the #8 blinked out we feel that there was ample time in between when he reappeared and when the contact was made to make this avoidable. #115 did not serve his penalty and will be docked one lap in the final standings.

Lap#31..#103 comes down into the #99. #103 penalty served.

Lap#64..#69 hooks the #17. #69 penalty served.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#77 Donnie Garrett
#99 Doug Woolley
#80 Jeff Crivello

One & Park

Under Yellow
Lap#64..#43 goes onto the apron and comes up into the #90.

Lap#64..#95 plows the #7 as hes wrecked.

Both drivers will be moved to tail end of lead lap in final standings.

#95 careless driving warning for racing into a wreck.

#115 docked 1 lap in final standings for not serving penalty.

1 Incident...#8, #15, #43, #44, #67, #80, #088, #95, #103, #141
2 Incidents..#003, #18, #69, #71, #99, #712
3 Incidents..#14, #31, #98, #115

1 Provisional: #44, #103, #115
2 Provisionals: #17
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Re: Speed Freaks Series Incident Reports for Season 41

Post by riccisand »

BSchilling wrote: June 21st, 2017, 7:12 pm DaytonaTR (6/20/17)

Lap#5..#31 comes down into #17. #31 penalty served.

Lap#28..#44 grenades a motor. No penalty issued.

Lap#69..#7 gets into wall causing the #67 to get into him. Due to it being end of the race #7 was not able to serve.

Also the finishing order will be different from how the race ended per RTG rules.

Caution last 4 laps
If an accident happens at the start/finish line with 4 or less laps to go the field will be froze on how all drivers merge back into the field, NOT your F2 position.
The final results will not be Official until a mandatory replay review is completed.
We will also be looking for anyone intentionally passing under caution and racing into the wreck.
Anyone receiving a black flag because of this will have it cleared.
This rule is mostly for super speedways but will go for any race.

Top 3 finishers from race (DNQ Next Race)
#4 Brian Schilling
#17 Chuck McClure
#77 Donnie Garrett

One & Park

Under Yellow



1 Incident...#7, #8, #15, #43, #44, #67, #80, #088, #95, #103, #141
2 Incidents..#003, #18, #69, #71, #99, #712
3 Incidents..#14, #98, #115
4 Incidents..#31

1 Provisional: #44, #103, #115
2 Provisionals: #17
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