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Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: August 21st, 2023, 8:56 am
by JeremyJeffries
Race 1- 8/31/23

Lap 8- #80 warps into #10; #80 retired.

Lap 27- #99 blows a motor; no incident charged.

Lap 47- #77 misses a shift and blows a motor. This is considered an incident and #77 retired due to the blown motor.

Lap 55- #7 slides up into #92 and causes an incident; #7 served his penalty.

Lap 62- #32 tries to make a move to the middle lane but isn't quite clear and cuts down on #111. #32 is charged with the incident. Per RTG rules, he is scored EOLL and a 1-and-park next race since this caution caused the race to finish under yellow.

Bracket Series link: starts Week 5

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):
1-and-parks: #32
Parked next race:

1 incident: #7, #32, #77, #80
2 incidents:
3 incidents:
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: September 9th, 2023, 8:47 pm
by JoshM
Race 2- 9/7/23

Lap 12- #23 slides up and gets into #111; #23 served his penalty.

Lap 22- #56 slides up and gets into #92, but it was agreed #92 was too low and didn't give enough room to #56. #92 served his penalty.

Bracket Series link: starts Week 5

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):
Parked next race:

1 incident: #7, #23, #32, #77, #80, #92
2 incidents:
3 incidents:
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: September 16th, 2023, 8:49 pm
by JoshM
Race 3- 9/14/23

Lap 4- #10 gets down into #31 which causes a wreck; #10 served his penalty.

Lap 15- #7 gets into #143 during a big check-up, however, incident is charged to #72 for hitting the apron and slowing 10 mph to cause this check-up. #72 did not serve his penalty so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 19- There is an accordion effect before coming to the green flag restart which results in #44 spinning. No incident is charged but drivers NEED TO KEEP PACE! Stay reasonably close to the car ahead of you and slowly increase and/or decrease your speed under caution. This stop-and-go stuff with 30+ trucks causes MAJOR accordion effects. Slowly increase or decrease your speed to prevent check-ups further back in the field.

Lap 37- #17 moves down to pit and gets clipped by #711 who was also pitting. No incident is charged as #711 did not initiate the contact and no other drivers were involved.

Lap 37- #1 gets into #5 entering the pits. No incident is charged as #5 entered the pits 3-wide and was at risk of being forced into the grass. While slowing for that, he was hit when he was under 40mph, so #1 is not considered to be at fault either.

Lap 48- #17 changes lanes and causes a check-up and wreck; #17 served his penalty.

Lap 64- #72 and #17 make contact. Incident is charged to both drivers as #17 was too low and #72 was unable to hold a steady line and moved up enough for contact to be made. Both are scored EOLL and 1-and-parks for the next race.

Lap 65- After crossing the S/F line, #32 bumper-hooks #92 and a wreck occurs. Because nobody was knocked out of the race, nobody lost positions, and we did not go back green again, no incident is charged. There were two more possible incidents on this lap, but again, because nobody lost any positions and because we did not go back green, no incidents are charged.

Bracket Series link: starts Week 5

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #72
1-and-parks: #17, #72
Parked next race:

1 incident: #7, #10, #23, #32, #77, #80, #92
2 incidents: #17, #72
3 incidents:
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: September 23rd, 2023, 8:21 pm
by JoshM
Race 4- 9/21/23

Lap 3- #2 gives a bad bump to #8 which causes a wreck; #2 served his penalty.

Lap 26- #56 gets into #28 while entering pit road; #56 served a drive-through penalty two laps later.

Lap 30- #8 bumps #26 in the tri-oval and lightly checks up. As #8 checks up, he is hit and spun by #47 and spins. #47 did not initiate the contact, no yellow came out, and no other were affected, so no incident is charged.

Lap 46- #47 starts to run out of gas in turn four, and #88 and #10 move around him as they begin to pit. Before they can get off track, #616 gets into #88 to bring out the caution. #47 moved low and out of the way, and #88 and #10 did a good job getting around him and proceeding to move low. No incident is charged to #616 as the pitting cars were still on the racing surface. #616 also had cars to his right-side, so he was essentially boxed in. ALSO, #88 was eligible for the lucky dog as he wasn't responsible for the caution. LASTLY, we reviewed the lap down cars pitting and the flag man gave them a GREEN pit sign saying they could exit pit road, so there is no penalty for where they restarted.

Lap 52- #55 gives a bump to #72 but it bumper-hooks #55 and he crashes. No yellow came out, but this was reviewed and no incident is charged.

Lap 62- #72 pushes up on the exit of turn two and hits #28 to cause a wreck. #72 parked as he was already on a 1-and-park.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):
1-and-parks: #72
Parked next race:

1 incident: #2, #7, #10, #23, #32, #56, #77, #80, #92
2 incidents: #17
3 incidents: #72
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: September 30th, 2023, 11:50 pm
by JoshM
Race 5- 9/28/23

Lap 5- #10 has an engine issue and gets spun by #24; no incident charged as this was a random mechanical failure.

Lap 10- #088 and #32 make contact. #088 was not allowed to vote on this incident. Incident is charged to #32 for pinching the middle lane; #32 served his penalty.

Lap 27- #54 washes up the track and checks up, causing a wreck w/ #28. #54 is charged an incident and served his penalty.

Lap 32- #8 bumps and spins #616 entering the pits. #8 did not serve a penalty so he is docked a lap and a DNQ next race.

Lap 32- #5 and #92 make contact and both cars spins. #5 was not allowed to vote on this incident. Incident was charged to both drivers as #92 came across the nose of #5, and #5 was over the speed limit at pit entry. Neither driver served so both are docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 49- #77 received a black flag for speeding on pit road. #17 was in the right lane and tried to pit; #77 increased his speed to get past #17 but sped as a result. This was a legitimate black flag that should have been served but it was cleared after #77 requested it. Per RTG rules, #77 is docked two laps for failure to serve the black flag.

Lap 53- #7 gives a bad bump to #8; #7 served his penalty.

Lap 66- #088 was not allowed to vote on this incident. #088 moves to the low side of #77; #77 attempts to block but #088 gets underneath him. #77 stayed low and did not give room to #088 and they made contact in turn three which resulted in a wreck. #77 retired before taking the checkered flag and is a 1-and-park next race.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #5, #8, #92
1-and-parks: #72, #77
Parked next race:

1 incident: #2, #5, #8, #10, #23, #32, #54, #56, #80
2 incidents: #7, #17, #32, #77, #92
3 incidents: #72
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: October 7th, 2023, 11:20 pm
by JoshM
Race 6- 10/5/23

Lap 3- #45 gets into #079 exiting turn two. #079 received damage and lost the draft; this was called as an incident on #45. He did not serve so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 6- An accordion effect check-up results in a wreck; no incident called.

Lap 13- An accordion effect check-up results in a wreck; no incident called. ALSO, #6 is charged an incident for racing into a wreck and causing a secondary incident; #6 served his penalty.

Lap 16- #26 is late on the restart; he gets bumped and spun from behind; no incident called. ALSO, #45 is slow on the restart, gets bumped and gets into the wall. #45 then stops on track which brings out a yellow flag. Per RTG rules, #45 is parked for the next two race for stopping on the track and causing a caution.

Lap 29- #7 gets into #32 which causes a wreck. The yellow did not come out but this is still considered an incident on #7. He did not serve so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 33- An accordion effect check-up results in a wreck; no incident called.

Lap 45- #56 bumps #711 in turn one which causes a check-up and wreck. Incident charged to #56. He did not serve so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 54- #6 gets into #079 which causes an incident; #6 retired as this was his second incident; he will be on a 1-and-park next race. ALSO, a second wreck happens on the backstretch. #17 moves low to pass but #24 moves down to make a block. #17 then moves to the right, gets bumper-hooked and crashes. This is a 'no call' as #24 made a clean block and no other cars were collected.

Lap 56- Under caution, #17 passes the field and comes down to bump #24. This went to RTG Ownership for review. Ownership has parked #17 for one week from all RTG races.

Lap 65- #56 gets into #088 and causes a wreck. Incident charged to #56. Because this was his second wreck, #56 has his scoring stopped on this lap. While this was his second incident, he is not parked for not immediately retiring because we did not go back green again.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #7, #45, #56
1-and-parks: #6, #45 , #56, #77
Parked next race: #17, #45

1 incident: #2, #5, #8, #10, #23, #32, #54, #80
2 incidents: #6, #17, #32, #45, #77, #92
3 incidents: #7, #56, #72
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: October 13th, 2023, 8:39 pm
by JoshM
Race 7- 10/12/23

Lap 10- #84 bumps #8 in the tri-oval which leads to a wreck; #84 served his penalty. ALSO, later in the lap in turn three, #26 hits #711; the Replay Analyzer software showed no damage occurred; no incident was called.

Lap 32- #143 clips and spins #33; #143 did not serve a penalty so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 51- A wreck in the pits occurs when #32 gets into #4 in his pit box. While #32 entered on the bottom 3-wide, the admins felt there was enough time for #32 to move out of the pit boxes to avoid any contact. Because this didn't happen and it resulted in a collision on pit road, #32 is charged an incident. #32 did not serve so he is docked a lap and DNQ next race.

Lap 60- #1 bumps and spins #88 in the tri-oval; # 1 did not serve so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 66- #338 pushes up in turn one and clips #22 which results in a wreck. #338 is scored EOLL and is a 1-and-park for the next race.

Lap 66- #31 gets into #088 in the tri-oval which causes a wreck crossing the Start/Finish line. #088 was not allowed to participate in this review. After reviewing the replay, it looks like #088 is starting to lose speed due to low fuel and is bumped by #31 shortly after that. Because #31 was not expecting a slow-down and because #088 was in the middle 3-wide when the 3mph slow-down started, this was not considered an incident. No incident is charged in this wreck.


Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #1, #32, #45, #143
1-and-parks: #6, #45 , #77, #338
Parked next race: #45

1 incident: #1, #2, #5, #8, #10, #23, #32, #54, #80, #84, #143, #338
2 incidents: #6, #17, #45, #77, #92
3 incidents: #7, #32, #56, #72
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: October 21st, 2023, 10:13 pm
by JoshM
Race 8- 10/19/23

Lap 4- #56 bumper-hooks off the car ahead and causes a wreck; #56 retired.

Lap 34- #712 blows a motor, then gets hit & spun by #39 which brought out the caution. No incident charged as this was a random mechanical failure.

Lap 64- #9 gets into #8 which causes #8 to spin. This all started from a check-up and #9 did not have enough time to react, so no incident is charged.

Lap 66- #43 gives a bump to #088 entering the tri-oval; the bump knocked #088 into the grass. As #088 slides back onto the track, #43 moves to give him room and gets into #38 and several cars spin across the S/F line taking the checkered flag. After a lengthy discussion, the admins decided on a no-call. Wrecks coming to the checkered flag will be a point of emphasis in next week's driving meeting.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #45
1-and-parks: #6, #45 , #77
Parked next race:

1 incident: #1, #2, #5, #8, #10, #23, #32, #54, #80, #84, #143, #338
2 incidents: #6, #17, #45, #77, #92
3 incidents: #7, #32, #72
4 incidents: #56
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: October 28th, 2023, 7:05 pm
by JoshM
Race 9- 10/26/23

Lap 37- #28 gets into #4 and #17 while pitting under green; #28 did not serve a penalty so he is docked a lap and a DNQ next race.

Lap 38- #616 slows abruptly to pit while still on the racing surface and gets hit from behind by #55 which then brought out a caution. #616 is charged for the incident and he served his penalty.

Lap 49- #111 pushes #4 into the cars ahead and it leads to a wreck; #111 served his penalty.

Lap 53- #5 bumps and spins #28 coming to the restart; #5 served his penalty.

Lap 54- #9 loses a motor; no incident charged for random mechanical failure.

Lap 59- #111 tries to change lanes but isn't clear and gets into multiple cars. #111 retired.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #28, #45
1-and-parks: #45, #77, #111
Parked next race:

1 incident: #1, #2, #8, #10, #23, #28, #32, #54, #80, #84, #143, #338, #616
2 incidents: #5, #6, #17, #45, #77, #92, #111
3 incidents: #7, #32, #72
4 incidents: #56
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Re: Season 60 - Tally Challenge Incident Reports

Posted: November 3rd, 2023, 8:29 pm
by JoshM
Race 10- 11/2/23

Lap 19- #711 gets into #10 while pitting under green which results in an incident on pit road; #711 did not serve so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 38- #000 gets into #712 at the exit of turn two; #000 did not serve so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Bracket Series link:

DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #000, #711
1-and-parks: #77, #111
Parked next race:

1 incident: #000, #1, #2, #8, #10, #23, #28, #32, #54, #80, #84, #143, #338, #616, #711
2 incidents: #5, #6, #17, #45, #77, #92, #111
3 incidents: #7, #32, #72
4 incidents: #56
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):