RaceLM Manual Download

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RaceLM Manual Download

Post by JeremyJeffries »

While the carfile manager is down on RLMArena, the only way to download the newest schemes is through the manual downloader located on the right sidebar of the RTG Home Page (www.rollingthundergaming.com) or by following this link: https://io.racelm.com/rlm/viewcars.cfm? ... 1618486984

Once on this page, you can click the "date" option at the top and sort by oldest or newest files. Once that is selected, you can click on the individual series and select the most recent car files. However, I noticed today that I was not able to get the links to load when I clicked on the green car file name. Instead, I had to right click on the file, open in a new window and change the web address from www.racelm.com/.... to io.racelm.com/....

The car file downloaded instantly when I did this. So, if you're having the same issue with manual car file downloader, try this trick instead!

Of course, as you normally would, once the car file is downloaded, you will have to manually move that car file out of your downloads folder to the appropriate series car folder!
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