RTG Reserved Car#'s

Reserve your Car# for all of the RTG NR2003 Series here.
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Joined: November 12th, 2020, 7:35 pm
Car#: 3

RTG Reserved Car#'s

Post by BONESXLT »

This is a list of Reserved #'s for all RTG Nascar 2003 Series Drivers.
The iRacing series has their own separate # list

To reserve a car# leave a reply as below.
Race Name (must be your real name)
Car# Requested:

Your request will be removed upon being approved.

All inactive drivers will be removed from this list at the end of each season

0 - OPEN
00 - Kelly Causey
000 - Chris Emry
1 - Jeremy Jeffries
2 - Hank Middleton
3 - Dale Earnhardt Sr (RETIRED)
003 - David Canon (Bones)
4 - Brian Schilling
5 - Wylye Cote (RETIRED)
6 - Bryan Rosson
7 - Cyber
07 - Seth Cole
007 - Doug Cady
8 - Glenn Harris
9 - Jessica Shelton
09 - Chris Elliott
10 - Terry Bombard (Bumby)
11 - Jeff Czupta
011 - Mike Rogers
12 - Jim Windrow
13 - Jason Scheck
14 - Zach Rogers
15 - Sean Prime
16 - OPEN
016 - Ed Bauman (Ghost) (RETIRED)
17 - Chuck McClure
18 - David Lawson
19 - OPEN
20 - OPEN
21 - Randy Waugh
22 - Gregg Palmer
23 - Doug Hulick
24 - Joe DiSpirito
25 - Doug Milewsky
26 - Billy Ellisor
27 - Andre Mongeon
28 - Marc Paglia
29 - OPEN
029- Mike Mangialardi
30 - OPEN
31 - Bernie Mobbs
32 - Bill Kring
33 - Graham McDonald
34 - OPEN
35 - Frank Rivard
36 - Jeff Crivello
37 - OPEN
38 - Rodney Sullins
038 - Dave Melson
39 - Josh Metallic
40 - Javier Negron
41 - Denny Carroll
42 - Christian Torres
43 - Richard Martin
044 - Brian Lovell
44 - Wayne Pribnow
45 - Tom Dixon
46 - OPEN
47 - Andrew Miller
48 - OPEN
49 - OPEN
50 - Chad Barcomb
51 - Bob Lachance
52 - OPEN
53 - OPEN
54 - Robby Neises (RETIRED)
55 - Ken Roberts
56 - Jeffrey Elliott
57 - OPEN
58 - Jim Black
59 - OPEN
60 - OPEN
61 - OPEN
62 - Ronald Lussier
63 - Keith Bynum
64 - OPEN
65 - Adam Radiske
66 - Larry Yeager Sr (RETIRED)
67- OPEN
68 - OPEN
69 - Terry Bauman (TooSlow) (RETIRED) RTG Founder
70 - OPEN
71 - OPEN
72 - OPEN
73 - Tom Heinrich 12-28-2024
74 -Dunn Lapradd 1-07-2025
75 - Andre Charest
76 - OPEN
77 - Donnie Garrett
78 - OPEN
79 - OPEN
079 - Nathan Balser
80 - Milt Surratt
81 - OPEN
82 - Kraig Hagley
83 - Manny Hartnett
84 - Dante Ricci
85 - OPEN
86 - OPEN
87 - OPEN
88 - Grant Wessley
088 - Tim Noftsker
89 - OPEN
90 - OPEN
91 - OPEN
92 - Bobby Farrell
93 - OPEN
94 - OPEN
95 - Collin Flick
96 - Dave Robbins
096 - Ulises Sandoval
97 - Mitch Bombard
98 - OPEN
99 - Doug Woolley
102 - Rusty Little (RETIRED)
111- Ron Hagolin
143 - Bob Dixon
159 - Rich Warden
196 - Ricky LaDuke
197- Pat McKarski 12-8-24
338 - J.T. Mayhew
616 - Jerm Lewis
711 - John Godfrey
712 - Bob Seminara
880 - Greg Lovell
931- Robert Breedlove
Last edited by KickinAsphalt on February 2nd, 2022, 6:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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