Challenger Series Rules and Roster as of 8/17/24

This is a series within a series currently running on Monday & Wednesday.
You must apply within the 1st 2 weeks of the season to join this series.

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Challenger Series Rules and Roster as of 8/17/24

Post by riccisand »

CLICK HERE for Challenger Series Roster as of 8/17/24

Challenger Series Rules

All drivers in this series will be voluntary, No driver will ever be forced to join this series.

All drivers must apply in the forum to join this series.
Apply for the challenger series HERE.

You must race in the BBR and/or Aero88 Series for 1 season with a minimum of 7 races between the 2 series before applying to the Challenger Series.

The Challenger Series Champion will NOT automatically be moved out of this series.
But if a driver wins 2 consecutive Championships or 3 total Championships in the BBR and/or Aero88 Series or 2 in 1 season they will be moved out of the series with no return to get back into it.

Exception - added 09/02/19
If a Challenger Series driver wins a Championship in there 1st season they will be removed from the series for a minimum of 2 seasons.

There will be meeting with the Challenger Admins after the last race of each season to possible move drivers out of this series.
Being moved out of this series is NOT a bad thing. It means the Admins feel you have the skills to be a Top5 driver.

Once a driver has been removed from of this series they must wait 2 full season to re-apply for this series.

A driver may voluntarily remove themselves from this series at any time.

A driver racing in the main series may apply at any time for the Challenge Series but must be approved by the series Admins and subject to driver input.
You must apply by the 2nd race of the season or you will NOT be added to the Challenger Series until the next season.

Series points will be set by the points you earned in the main series it is running in.
Meaning if you finished 7th in the main series and 2nd in the Challenger series, your Challenger series points will be the same as the main series points NOT 2nd place points.

2 and Park: Starting in RTR S36 the Challenger series will have the same 2 and Park rule as the RTR NR2003 Rules.
Meaning if a Challenger Series Driver gets a 2 and park in a race they will be on a 1 and park until they have an Incident free race.

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