Season 53 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

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Re: Season 53 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 11- 7/15/21

Lap 6- #011 clips #08 at the entry to turn one; #011 served his penalty.

Lap 12- #088 turns down into #143 which causes a wreck; #088 served his penalty.

Lap 18- #006 gets into #28 at the exit of turn two; #006 served his penalty.

Lap 26- #60 slides up into #088 in turn three; #60 served his penalty.

Lap 48- #038 bumps #38 back up onto the track while hitting to pit road, and then is hit from behind by #6 after braking excessively after the first contact. Incident charged to #038. Instead of doing a drive-though penalty, he pitted for 4 tires; this will count as 'penalty served'.

Lap 57- #23 bumps and spins #006 in the tri-oval; #23 served his penalty.

Lap 62- On the restart, #038 gets into the back of #26 and causes a wreck. This was the second incident for #038 and he retired.

Bracket Series:

1-and-parks: #43, #038
Parked next race: #98

1 Incident: #9, #011, #26, #38, #055, #56, #80, #088, #90, #99
2 Incidents: #7, #8, #17, #23, #28, #31, #60
3 Incidents: #006, #6, #77, #020
4 Incidents: #2
------Everyone below this line is on a 1-and-park for the rest of the season------
5 Incidents: #038, #43
6 Incidents: #98

1- #17, #38, #39, #54, #055, #088
2- #84
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Re: Season 53 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 12- 7/22/21

Lap 6- #80 bumps #055 entering turn three, then checks up and gets spun by #94. Incident charged to #80 for the contact in the turn and the resulting checkup that led to the wreck. #80 served his penalty.

Lap 13- #7 gets into #60 during a check-up. Incident on #7 who served his penalty.

Lap 17- #712 is charged with Careless driving for an aggressive and dangerous lane change in turn one after a restart. This first offense is only a warning.

Lap 20- #038 gives a bad bump to #8 at the exit of turn two. The bump moves #8 down the track a little bit. #038 checks up slightly and is then bumped by #003 which puts #038 back into #8. The result is a bumper-hook and wreck. Incident charged to #038 (giving a bad bump) AND #003 (bumping #038 back up into #8). #038 retired but #003 did not serve his penalty. Per the rules, #003 is docked a lap and a DNQ for next race.

Lap 41- #616 gets into #055 while entering pit road; #616 parked.

Lap 46- #055 moves up a lane which forces #088 to move to avoid him. As #17 moves up, he bumper-hooks himself. Incident charged to #055 as the lane charge started this incident. He served his penalty.

Lap 46- As the other wreck is just starting, #6 moves up and gets hooked off the nose of #055. Incident on #6 who served his penalty. This incident was protested but the call was upheld.

Lap 54- #23 bumps #7 in turn three which results in a wreck; #23 retired.

Lap 59- #9 gets bumped and spun on a restart in turn one as he was missing third gear. Since the gear was broken on a prior restart, #9 is charged with the incident. He served his penalty.


Bracket Series:

DNQ's: #003
1-and-parks: #038, #43
Parked next race: #98

1 Incident: #003, #011, #26, #38, #56, #088, #90, #99, #616
2 Incidents: #8, #9, #17, #28, #31, #055, #60, #80
3 Incidents: #006, #7, #23, #77, #020
4 Incidents: #2, #6
------Everyone below this line is on a 1-and-park for the rest of the season------
5 Incidents: #43
6 Incidents: #038, #98

1- #17, #38, #39, #54, #055, #088
2- #84
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Re: Season 53 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 13- 7/29/21

Lap 18- #80 loses control while pitting under green and slides up the track and gets hit. Incident charged to #80 who retired. #020 gets into #77 during this incident but it was determined he turned down to avoid the first wreck and started to slow as soon as the yellow came out; no incident is charged.

Lap 36- #088 bumps #28 at the entry to turn three. The bump causes a check-up and wreck behind. #088 served his penalty.

Lap 42- #712 tries to fall in behind #038 but mis-times it. This causes a bumper-hook and wreck. #712 served his penalty.

Lap 62- #77 slides up into #90 entering turn one. After a lengthy review, incident is charged with the #77. He also also charged with Reckless driving for lane bullying just prior to the incident. The penalty is being scored last in the race. We will also be announcing changes to how we deal with warp problems beginning next season.

Bracket Series:

1-and-parks: #038, #43, #77
Parked next race: #98

1 Incident: #003, #011, #26, #38, #56, #90, #99, #616, #712
2 Incidents: #8, #9, #17, #28, #31, #055, #60, #088
3 Incidents: #006, #7, #020, #23, #80
4 Incidents: #2, #6, #77
------Everyone below this line is on a 1-and-park for the rest of the season------
5 Incidents: #43
6 Incidents: #038, #98

1- #17, #38, #39, #54, #055, #088
2- #84
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Re: Season 53 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 14- 8/5/21

Lap 6- #038 charged with Careless driving squeezing #90 and #77 at different times during the lap. This is a 1 lap penalty.

Lap 27- #77 gets into #38 during a check-up. This is being called a "racin' deal" as the checkup was too big to be avoided. No incidents charged.

Lap 48- #020 bumps and spins #072 at exit of turn four as they prepare to enter the pits. #020 is NOT charged for this incident as the checkup was much earlier than expected and was on the racing surface. No incident charged.

Lap 49- #43 gets into #712 at pit entry. Both cars are hot pitting and #43 is partly in a pit box when contact is made, so he was not given enough room to avoid any contact. Since #712 was the only car to spin, no penalty is necessary.

Lap 52- #84 has a computer problem and causes a wreck; #84 charged with the incident and parked.

Lap 60- An accordion checkup causes #038 to get into #6 to bring out a caution. This is also being called a "racin' deal" as #038 did not have enough time to react to it.

Lap 66- A check-up coming to the tri-oval and checked flag causes yet another wreck. As with the others, this has been called a "racin' deal".

Next week we will address this high number of "racin' deals" and how the calls on them will be more harshly called.

Points will be updated tomorrow.


Bracket Series:

1-and-parks: #038, #43, #77
Parked next race: #98

1 Incident: #003, #011, #26, #38, #56, #84, #90, #99, #616, #712
2 Incidents: #8, #9, #17, #28, #31, #055, #60, #088
3 Incidents: #006, #7, #020, #23, #80
4 Incidents: #2, #6, #77
------Everyone below this line is on a 1-and-park for the rest of the season------
5 Incidents: #43
6 Incidents: #038, #98

1- #17, #38, #39, #54, #055, #088
2- #84
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Re: Season 53 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 15- 8/12/21

Lap 16- #712 bumps and spins #055, but the replay shows #055 unexpectedly slow 5 mph. Incident on #055 causing the checkup that led to the wreck. #055 did not serve the penalty and is docked 1 lap in the final standings.

Lap 21- #020 bumper-hooks #29 in the tri-oval; #020 served his penalty.

Lap 36- #143 slides up and clips #60 at the exit of turn two; #143 parked.

Lap 53- #003 bumps and spins #9 into #088, causing a wreck; #003 parked.

Lap 53- #055 is charged an incident for turning around in front of oncoming traffic and causing a separate incident when he is hit by #616. #055 parked.

Lap 64- #90 and #88 make contact in turn one. While #90 moves up slightly, he is well in the middle lane area and is getting crowded by the high lane. After #88 and #90 makes contact, #80 reacts to avoid getting caught up in a wreck, but he bumps #6, and a wreck occurs. Incident charged to #88 as he was crowding the middle lane a little too much when the contact was made. #88 is scored EOLL.

Lap 64- #020 gets into #222 entering turn three and causes a wreck; #020 is scored EOLL.



Bracket Series:

DNQ's: n/a
1-and-parks: n/a
Parked next race: n/a

1 Incident: #011, #26, #38, #56, #84, #88, #90, #99, #143, #616, #712
2 Incidents: #003, #8, #9, #17, #28, #31, #60, #088
3 Incidents: #006, #7, #23, #80
4 Incidents: #2, #6, #055, #77
------Everyone below this line is on a 1-and-park for the rest of the season------
5 Incidents: #020, #43
6 Incidents: #038, #98

1- #17, #38, #39, #54, #055, #088
2- #84
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