Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 8- 10/20/22

Lap 2- Cars are 4-wide entering turn one and become 5-wide after a minor check-up. After reviewing from multiple angles, the call is a "racing deal"; no incident charged to any drivers.

Lap 20- At the exit of turn four, #143 starts to slow down for a green flag pit stop and it causes an incident; #143 served.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):

1 incident: #003, #8, #08, #14, #18, #26, #31, #38, #77, #079, #84, #90, #93, #712
2 incidents: #2, #7, #10, #17, #088, #143, #711
3 incidents: #011, #038, #43
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 9- 10/27/22

Lap 2- #77 warps and gets wrecked; #77 served his penalty.

Lap 11- #027 clips #1 at the exit of turn two; #027 served his penalty.

Lap 11- #7 gets into #8 and causes a wreck; #7 served his penalty.

Lap 32- #54 gets into #55 entering pit road; #54 served his penalty.

Lap 38- #17 blows his motor; no incident charged.

Lap 43- #39 loses fourth gear on a restart and gets spun out. The yellow did NOT come out and #2 is NOT charged an incident as this was started by a mechanical failure.

Lap 52- #043 gives a bad bump to #55; #043 retired.

Lap 66- #88 moves up slightly and comes back down into his lane. #48 reacts to this and moves up as well. As soon as she moves up, she gets bumper-hooked by the trailing car. After a lengthy review, this is going down as a racing deal as the move was not up into the other lane. The reaction from #48 was understandable as well. No incident is charged.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):

1 incident: #003, #8, #08, #14, #18, #26, #027, #31, #38, #043, #54, #079, #84, #90, #93, #712
2 incidents: #2, #10, #17, #77, #088, #143, #711
3 incidents: #7, #011, #038, #43
4 incidents:
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 10- 11/3/22

Lap 2- #43 loses control of his truck exiting turn two and causes a wreck; #43 retired.

Lap 21- #711 warps and causes a wreck; #711 retired.

Lap 26- #80 loses control of his truck temporarily and causes a check-up behind which causes #08 to get knocked off the track and get damage. This SHOULD be an incident but it was not mentioned on public Teamspeak that anything had occurred so #80 isn't being penalized for not serving a penalty he wasn't aware of. The incident is still charged to #80 but there will be no penalty for him not serving a drive-through. For future reference, we need people to speak up when something like this occurs.

Lap 38- An accordion check-up causes #10 to get into the back of #17. The checkup was over 5mph so we are calling this a "racing deal"; no incident charged.

Lap 63- #55 slides up and spins #6; #55 retired.

Lap 66- #6 was not aware the leaders hadn't already taken the checkered flag and caused a wreck among the lead pack coming to the checkers. While none of the leaders finishes were affected, the wreck brought out a yellow. #6 is charged the incident and given a Careless driving penalty. He will also be a 1-and-park next race.

The Chase points will be updated early next week.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):
1-and-parks: #6

1 incident: #003, #6, #8, #08, #14, #18, #26, #027, #31, #38, #043, #54, #55, #079, #80, #84, #90, #93, #712
2 incidents: #2, #10, #17, #77, #088, #143
3 incidents: #7, #011, #038, #711
4 incidents: #43
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48, #6
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 11- 11/10/22

Lap 18- #8 has a computer issue and gets spun; no incident charged as the yellow didn't come out and #8 was the only car that was spun out.

Lap 30- debris caution; no incident charged.

Lap 37- There were some lane changes and attempted blocks at the front of the pack. Eventually it resulted in an accordion effect heading into turn three. We are calling a "racing deal" as the moves at the front were mid-back stretch and the wreck wasn't until turn three.

Lap 44- #2 bumper-hooks #92; #2 served his penalty.

Lap 49- #011 & #079 get together at the exit of turn two. Both drivers are being charged w/ the incident. #011 served his penalty but #079 did not so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 56- #079 gets into #6. This was #079's second incident. He did not retire so he is parked for the next race.

Lap 56- After the wreck, #2 spins his car around at the bottom of the track and gets hit by #92. The hit caused motor damage to #92. #2 was down at the bottom of the track and it was determined he would not be charged a separate incident, but he IS getting a Careless Driving penalty for this move.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race: #079
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #079
1-and-parks: #079

1 incident: #003, #6, #8, #08, #14, #18, #26, #027, #31, #38, #043, #54, #55, #80, #84, #90, #93, #712
2 incidents: #10, #17, #77, #088, #143
3 incidents: #2, #7, #038, #079, #711
4 incidents: #011, #43
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48, #6, #7
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 12- 11/17/22

Lap 18- #24 gets into #28 entering the pits. After review, no incident is being called for this. #24 was low enough and under control and #28 could have possibly given more room. More importantly, it was a quick 360 degree spin and nobody involved lost the draft so no penalty is necessary.

Lap 19- Multiple cars come in side by side and wreck as they attempt to enter their pit stalls. This is a byproduct of green flag pit stops with large fields; no incident charged.

Lap 46- #48 bumps #28 which causes an incident; #48 served. Per request, this incident was reviewed for racing into a wreck; there was some contact but nothing to the level of carelessness or an incident; no other incidents calls.

Lap 56- #24 and #45 get together on exit of turn two. Incident charged to both drivers. #45 retired but #24 did not serve, so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for next race. #24 protested this incident and the Replay Review Committee agreed. Incident has been updated; it is charged to #45 only.

Lap 64- #4 runs low and gets clipped by #77; incident charged to #4. He is scored EOLL and is a 1-and-park for next race.
#4 protested this incident but the Replay Review Committee upheld the call.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #079
1-and-parks: #4, #079

1 incident: #003, #4, #6, #8, #08, #14, #18, #26, #027, #31, #38, #043, #45, #48, #54, #55, #80, #84, #90, #93, #712
2 incidents: #10, #17, #77, #088, #143
3 incidents: #2, #7, #038, #079, #711
4 incidents: #011, #43
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48, #6, #7, #90
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 13- 12/1/22

Lap 8- A check-up in the top lane occurs and results in a wreck at the back of the field. No incident charged as this was considered a "racing deal."

Lap 30- Two separate wrecks occur during green flag pit stops. While #712 slows to pit, he is clipped by #6 before #712 is off the racing surface. At the same time, #31 spins before pit road entry and collects other cars. #712 and #31 charged with the incidents; both drivers served their penalties.

Lap 35- Per request, this restart was reviewed for lane changes and/or lane bullying; none was found and no penalties are issued.

Lap 41- An accordion effect causes a wreck at the back of the field. No incident charged as this was considered a "racing deal."

Lap 63- #143 slows to pit from the second lane but it causes an incident; #143 did not serve his penalty so he is docked a lap and a DNQ for the next race.

Lap 64- During green flag flag pit stops, cars scatter and come in 4-wide at the pit speed line. #8 isn't given enough room to enter pit road and spins at the pit line. After a lengthy review, it was determined this caused by too many cars pitting and arriving at the pit lane at the same time. No incident is charged and this is going down as a "racing deal."

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #079, #143
1-and-parks: #079

1 incident: #003, #4, #6, #8, #08, #14, #18, #26, #027, #38, #043, #45, #48, #54, #55, #80, #84, #90, #93
2 incidents: #10, #17, #31, #77, #088, #712
3 incidents: #2, #7, #038, #079, #143, #711
4 incidents: #011, #43
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48, #6, #7, #90, #39
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 14- 12/8/22

Lap 2- #48 gets up into #4 while they are four-wide off turn two. Incident charged to #48 who served her penalty.

Lap 10- #088 blows a motor which causes a wreck; no incident charged.

Lap 15- #80 blows a motor which brought out the yellow; no incident charged.

Lap 20- #77 gives a bad bump to #143 which causes a wreck; #77 served his penalty.

Lap 42- Two incident happen during green flag pit stops. First, #24 gets into #38 and #38 receives a 30 second penalty; #24 served his penalty. Second, #28 bumps and spins #8. #8 did a full spin and kept going down pit road. He received no damage, no penalty, and stayed in the draft when he exited the pits, so no penalty was required for this incident.

Lap 66- Coming to the checkered flag in the tri-oval, #88 moves up and bumps #712 up the track. A wreck happens as they take the checkers. While it was a very aggressive move, the admins agreed drivers have to be allowed to be aggressive in going for a win and/or playoff spot, as long as the contact doesn't result in a driver getting wrecked and losing spots before the checkered flag. No penalty is issued.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap): #079
1-and-parks: #079

1 incident: #003, #4, #6, #8, #08, #14, #18, #24, #26, #027, #38, #043, #45, #54, #55, #80, #84, #90, #93
2 incidents: #10, #17, #31, #48, #088, #712
3 incidents: #2, #7, #038, #77, #079, #143, #711
4 incidents: #011, #43
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48, #6, #7, #90, #39
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Re: Season 57 - RTR TallyChallenge Series Incident Reports

Post by JoshM »

Race 15- 12/15/22

Lap 2- #28 cuts down on #7 in the tri-oval; #28 served his penalty.

Lap 23- #088 gets into #079 while heading to the pits; #088 served his penalty.

Lap 36- #31 moves down on #17 and gets clipped; #31 served his penalty.

Lap 63- #8 moves from middle to high lane in front of #4. #4 can't simply let off the gas as he is being pushed. The block from #8 results in a wreck. #8 is charged with the incident and scored EOLL. ALSO, the pass in turn three was reviewed. #4 briefly clipped the apron. This is not considered racing under the line and no penalty is given.

Bracket Series link:

Parked next race:
DNQ's (must go to back of field on pace lap):

1 incident: #003, #4, #6, #08, #14, #18, #24, #26, #027, #28, #38, #043, #45, #54, #55, #80, #84, #90, #93
2 incidents: #8, #10, #17, #48, #712
3 incidents: #2, #7, #31, #038, #77, #079, #088, #143, #711
4 incidents: #011, #43
5 or more incidents (one-and-park for remainder of season):

Lotto Starter- #038, #22, #77, #4, #079, #17, #18, #2, #48, #6, #7, #90, #39, #7
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