Yet another protest

Thursdays @ 8pm EST with the Aero88.

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Yet another protest

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Chris Robbins wrote: June 20th, 2015, 5:34 am I am protesting the call yet again called on the #08, it is plain as day the #2 car was gonna miss his pit stall, he even said it was "most likely" his incident after the race. Now if I am in a ok spot, and the car in front misjudges their pit stall and slows down abruptly and I barely hit them, because of the car misjudging their pit stall, how is this my fault? My pit stall was not too far in front of the #2, so I was where I needed to be. So I wonder when a driver says, its on me most likely, cause he misjudged his pit stall, and I get hit with a penalty again, lol, it is plain as day you can see what he does. Again I will live with the replay ruling, but I already know how it's gonna turn out.
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Re: Yet another protest

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JoshM wrote: June 20th, 2015, 11:21 pm You asked how it is your fault, so I will explain my logic again. And let me preface this by saying I have nothing against you Chris. I enjoy having you as a racer on Thursdays, but I have to call it the way I see it.

EVERY TIME a driver chooses to drive down the pits in the middle lane (also known as the merge lane) when the right-hand lane is available, and then he bumps/spins a driver who is using the merge lane to accelerate/decelerate), I will ALWAYS call that an incident on the driver who didn't use that right-hand lane. Whether he missed his pit stall or had to make an abrupt turn is completely irrelevant. That is the reason you will ALWAYS have a minimum of 2 lanes on any pit road, on any track, anywhere. One lane is for driving, the other is to merge in and out of your pit stalls. If you have the driving lane open and decide to use the merge lane and then hit another guy, you are, by default, guilty of an incident (in my opinion, anyway).

Furthermore, the reason the rule says it is "expected" rather than "required" to use the right-hand lane is because sometimes it is safer to come into pit road 2 or 3-wide. If 15-20 cars are making a green flag pit stop, they are going to fan out, and that is just a common sense move to minimize the chance of contact with each other. And if they are side-by-side, then fine, use both lanes. Otherwise, move to the right side.

As for yellow flags, every driver should be nose to tail on the right side. The only exception for this is if the driver ahead is well below the speed limit.

Lastly, regarding the prior incident on pit road, I screwed up and closed the vote prematurely. While I had enough votes for the call to be official, I failed to leave the vote open long enough for the remaining members to cast their votes (5 is official, but admins need to allow for each committee member to vote if they choose to do so). Had I done this, that last call WOULD have been upheld.

I'm out of town until tomorrow night, but I'll have this replay sent to the committee by tomorrow evening unless another admin beats me to it.
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Re: Yet another protest

Post by KickinAsphalt »

Chris Robbins wrote: June 21st, 2015, 12:44 am ok Josh.... I see it as the driver in front made the mistake by missing his pit stall and slamming the brakes, I still see it the way I see it. We will agree to disagree, again.
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Re: Yet another protest

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JoshM wrote: June 21st, 2015, 1:21 pm Yep, I get your point and I'm not disputing it. But even if we were to agree he made a mistake, that only re-inforces my reasoning and interpretation of the rule. DESPITE the mistake he might have made, if you are over in the right-hand lane, the contact does not happen. And even if it did, you would not be charged for an incident. If a driver starts to slow down in the far-right lane and gets spun, that's his fault and no incident will charged. The bottom line is drivers have voted rules in place to try and minimize needless contact. The chance for wrecks is bad enough at 200 mph going 3 and 4-wide, but to get through ALL of that and end up spun out going 55 mph about to enter your pit stall should be a very rare type of wreck.

But seeing how this type of incident has happened in 2 of the last 4 races seems to prove to me that we need a rule to prevent drivers from making contact when the preferred driving lane is not even used.

Jason Scheck submitted this to the Replay Committee (thanks Jason!). We will post the results as soon as we have them.
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Re: Yet another protest

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Chris Robbins wrote: June 22nd, 2015, 7:38 am I understand Josh, I guess being not directly in the low lane and not in the high lane, I am like 3 car lengths behind the #2, he missed his pit stall so badly he slowed down so abruptly, no way I miss him, you can see by the angle he was going in how badly he missed his stall, just how I see it.
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Re: Yet another protest

Post by KickinAsphalt »

JoshM wrote: June 22nd, 2015, 11:50 am The Replay Committee has upheld the call. And I would have to look at the replay again when I get home Chris as I haven't had a chance to take a look since Friday night. But for future reference, and so there so no confusion in the future for you or any other driver wondering how this call is made- if contact is made in the far-right lane, we will not penalize the trailing driver, assuming he isn't speeding of course. It will be treated as a racin' deal.

If a driver cannot move to the right (other cars already in the far right lane) and contact is made in that merge lane area, again, it will be viewed as a racin' deal.

But if the right lane is open but not used, and contact is made, there will likely be an incident charged.

Under caution, drivers should all enter on the right side, one behind the other. If a driver chooses to move to the inside lane and make up ground driving down pit road, that is the risk they choose and is not a penalty by itself, but IF contact is made while doing that, plan to do a 4-tire pit stop on the next caution lap.

I hope this clarifies things somewhat.
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Re: Yet another protest

Post by KickinAsphalt »

Chris Robbins wrote: June 22nd, 2015, 6:17 pm Here's why I do what I do down pit road. During almost every race, I always have someone try and go under me on the inside while I'm going down pit road. Doesn't matter if it is yellow flag or green flag stops. If I'm doing steady 54mph, it happens. So I think why should I lose the draft, or have my race screwed up because someone else is getting on the inside of me. So I play defensively so nobody can get under me, thats why I do what I do. I still cannot fathom how someone elses mistake is my fault, if I miss my pit stall, and get spun, its my fault, its an easy call. Now I do understand what your saying, but I still do not agree.
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